Kristi Schubert is the author of this article that was recently published by the Louisiana Association of Justice in their “Louisiana Advocates” publication. Consider two sets of statements Set One: • Is the height of the tallest redwood more or less than 1,200 feet? • What is your best guess about the height of the… Read More
Posts Categorized In: Kristi Schubert
LLF Attorney Speaks at Conference Educational Program
LLF attorney Kristi Schubert is an invited speaker to the Louisiana Association for Justice educational program for attorneys at the Windsor Court in New Orleans on September 13. This innovative program is called “Profiles in Professionalism” and will focus on the different roles taken by lawyers in their practice of law. Ms. Schubert’s talk is… Read More
LLF Attorneys at Justice Conference
Here are LLF attorneys Kristi Schubert and Richard Martin at the annual American Association for Justice Conference in San Diego. Richard was a speaker for the Admiralty Law Section on the topic, “Using FRCP 4(k)(2) to Obtain Personal Jurisdiction Over Foreign Defendants.” He is a veteran trial lawyer with over 30 years of experience handling… Read More
Rape Survivors Not Billed for the Rape Exam Kit in Louisiana
LLF attorney Kristi Schubert: “Many states still allow victims of rape to be charged hundreds and sometimes thousands of dollars to undergo a so called “rape kit” exam. These exams collect crucial evidence. They also benefit the entire community by helping to identify repeat perpetrators of sexual violence. Thankfully, Louisiana now covers all costs of… Read More
CDC’s Plan to Prevent Sexual Violence
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has published an ebook called “A Technical Package to Prevent Sexual Violence”. You can download the ebook HERE. Segments included in the ebook include: Promote Social Norms that Protect Against Violence Teach Skills to Prevent Sexual Violence Provide Opportunities to Empower and Support Girls and Women Create Protective… Read More
Information Every Parent Should Know to Protect Their Children
Sex offenders target minors because children are vulnerable, may not understand inappropriate behavior or touching, or are too frightened to report or tell someone about assault or abuse. It’s up to parents and caregivers to recognize the signs and know what actions to take. In “Child Sexual Abuse – Information Every Parent Should Know,” a… Read More
Statutes of Limitation for Reporting Child Abuse
LLF attorney Kristi Schubert: 52 years old is the median age that survivors of child sexual abuse first disclose the abuse to anyone. So why does Louisiana law require abuse survivors to bring their claim by the time they are 28 years old, or forever lose the right? This article discusses the effect of such… Read More
Non-Consensual Pornography: What Can You Do?
By Kristi S. Schubert, Esq. In an era where an individual’s online reputation plays a large part in employment decisions, professional relationships, and other personal interactions, posting explicit material of someone online can have significant deleterious real-world consequences. Unfortunately, since taking and sharing photos and videos has become so simple, it is easy for unscrupulous… Read More
Broken Trust: Sexual Abuse by a Counselor or Therapist
By Kristi S. Schubert A close trusting relationship is an essential part of successful therapy. Therapists are skilled in cultivating the trust of their patients and making them feel safe to share their deepest doubts, fears, and insecurities. When this trust is used properly, it can be powerful tool in helping the patient achieve therapeutic… Read More
What to Do Now if Your Child Has Been Sexually Assaulted at School
Sexual abuse or assault can happen to anyone, regardless of gender, age, race, or socioeconomic status. When the victim is a child, however, it can be especially difficult to know how to respond. As more and more children report being sexually abused or assaulted in grade school and high school, it’s vital that parents take… Read More