On February 3, 2021, attorneys Frank Lamothe, Kristi Schubert, and Julien Lamothe filed a federal lawsuit on behalf of a woman claiming her landlord sexually assaulted and harassed her. Because the alleged acts occurred within a landlord-tenant relationship, the suit also asserts the defendant’s misconduct constituted sexual discrimination prohibited by the federal Fair Housing Act… Read More
How Are Public Transportation Accidents Different from Auto Accidents?
The average number of car accidents in the U.S. every year reaches six million. Accidents are a common occurrence on our roads, regardless of whether you’re driving your car or traveling on public transport. All vehicles are subject to the risk of accident or injury. However, there are distinct legal differences between an auto accident… Read More
Auto Accidents: What is The Difference Between Catastrophic Injury and Personal Injury Claims?
It is estimated that 3 million people are injured in auto accidents in the U.S. every year. While some of these injuries may be minor, others result in life-long conditions that can seriously impact the victims’ quality of life and place a significant financial strain on the family. Victims injured in auto accidents are eligible… Read More
Why is Liability in a Slip and Fall Case Difficult to Prove?
Slip and falls happen all the time. Sometimes, they’re a result of unlucky circumstances with no one but fate to blame. However, they often occur due to unmarked wet spots, faulty or low lighting, torn carpets, or other external factors. If you slip and injure yourself severely, you’ll likely have high medical bills and lost… Read More
What to Do If You Are Injured While Using Public Transportation
It’s easy to assume public transportation is safer than driving our own cars. Every time we get onto a bus, train or streetcar or other forms of public transport, we’re placing our trust in the driver’s competency. Yet, accidents do happen, and getting the medical care you need might prove costly. Public transport accidents often… Read More
Five Driving Habits That Most Commonly Cause Accidents in Louisiana
Louisiana is the 4th worst state nationwide for driving safety. In particular, New Orleans has more auto accidents and fatalities compared to other cities. Although the coronavirus pandemic has decreased the number of drivers, the dangerous driving habits remain the same. Nothing is worth putting lives at risk, even if it seems like a simple… Read More
Who is Responsible for a Slip or Fall on a New Orleans Sidewalk?
The term “slip and fall” describes injuries many people sustain in the state of Louisiana. Every year, thousands of people experience the detrimental, potentially debilitating Louisiana’s impact of slipping or falling as they’re walking on the sidewalk. Sometimes, it doesn’t matter how careful an individual is; there can still be unforeseeable factors that affect someone’s… Read More
Injured on a Bus or Streetcar, Who Is at Fault?
There are many reasons for taking a ride on a bus or a streetcar. You may prefer to have someone else doing the long-distance driving, or it may be impractical to drive to work. According to the American Public Transportation Association, it is ten times safer to travel by bus than drive your car. However,… Read More
Can an Uninsured Driver Receive Compensation After a Crash?
The quick answer is maybe. There are restrictions and penalties written into Louisiana’s No-Pay, No-Play Statute that make it challenging — though not impossible — for uninsured drivers to get compensation. Why is it challenging? Louisiana is the second most expensive state in the nation for purchasing auto insurance, and it ranks 20th in the… Read More
Car Accidents and Personal Injury: Settlement Amount Expectations
With around 6 million accidents every year across our nation and with 768 fatalities on Louisiana’s roads in 2018, our highways have never been more dangerous. Driving becomes riskier each year as the amount of vehicles increases, and much of our road infrastructure deteriorates. When someone is injured in a car accident, they may face… Read More