Eden House New Orleans Mission Statement. “Eden House is a movement to eradicate the trafficking and selling of human beings. We create systemic change through: youth prevention; education and legislative advocacy, and recovery and reentry services for victims, including long-term shelter.”
Eden House New Orleans was founded in 2011 as a recovery home for victims of human trafficking and commercial exploitation. Its program provides counseling, therapy, educational assistance, financial management, health care and treatment plans to survivors who may have a history of prostitution, chemical dependency and a lack of education.
Get Educated
Eden House provides several educational programs to the New Orleans community:
• The Prevention Education course educates girls about sexual exploitation and provides skills to avoid recruitment or to leave risky situations.
• The Human Trafficking 101 program is a 90 minute presentation to teach high school students how to prevent human trafficking and exploitation.
• Eden House also provides Community Presentations to inform groups about human trafficking.
Get Involved
Eden House New Orleans does not receive any direct governmental funding:
• Eden House relies on donations and volunteers from companies, individuals and foundations.
• Eden House provides semester and year-long internships.
• Especially Eden is where you can buy gift baskets, hand-made masks, jewelry and other items handcrafted/curated by human trafficking survivors.
Sometimes victims of sexual assault and exploitation can seek compensation through lawsuits in civil court. If you are the survivor of sexual assault and would like to discuss your case, please contact us to schedule a confidential meeting.