When we entrust loved ones to the care of a nursing home, we expect a high level of care. When an incident of sexual assault occurs in a nursing home, our immediate thoughts are with the well-being of the victim. But once the dust settles, we want answers. Who is responsible? What happens next? What… Read More
Video Games and Online Chats Are “Hunting Grounds” for Sexual Predators
Being a parent is stressful enough in the best of times. Being a parent in the modern world means being extremely vigilant about online threats, in addition to the typical tasks of raising a child. One area of increasingly growing concern is the world of video gaming, chat apps, and other online communication tools. While… Read More
How to Avoid Common Motorcycle Accidents
Riding a motorcycle is one of the most thrilling experiences you can have on the road. The feel of the wind on your face as you ride down an open highway is a freeing moment. However, riding a motorcycle is inherently dangerous, although the causes of many accidents are not the motorcyclist’s fault. There are… Read More
Victims’ Rights: Child Abuse and Sexual Assault
Figures from the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN) show that on average there are 433,648 victims (age 12 or older) of rape and sexual assault each year in the United States. In 2016, Child Protective Services agencies substantiated that 57,329 children were subjected to sexual abuse. Abuse of children, whether sexual, physical, or… Read More
Bishop Malone Resigns Over Hidden Files about Abusive Priests
Here is evidence of more cover-up by the Catholic Church on clergy sexual abuse. The Church needs to have complete transparency. Bishop Richard Malone of Buffalo, New York, resigns after his hidden files about abusive priests is revealed. Here’s an NPR article about his resignation – “Buffalo NY Bishop Resigns Amid Controversy Over Clergy Abuse.”… Read More
The Most Common Injuries Suffered on Offshore Rigs
Offshore oil rigs are one of the most dangerous places to work due to their remote locations, heavy equipment, and flammable materials. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, workers in the gas and oil industry face fatality rates seven times higher than all U.S. workers. Most of these injuries are preventable, and… Read More
Million Dollar Judgment
Kristi S. Schubert of Lamothe Law Firm recently received a judgment in an amount greater than $1 Million on behalf of a minor child who was sexually abused by a trusted adult. The child was under the age of 13 at the time of the abuse. The award followed a full trial on the merits… Read More
New Lawsuits Filed by LLF Against Archdiocese of New Orleans
Lamothe Law Firm has recently filed two more lawsuits against the Archdiocese of New Orleans. We allege that our clients, while minor children attending Madonna Manor in the 1970’s, were molested by a priest of the Church and were physically abused by nuns. Read the recent New Orleans Advocate newspaper article by journalist Ramon Antonio… Read More
Does Your Business Have a Business Interruption Claim?
If your business has been affected by an event such as the Hard Rock Hotel collapse, you may be able to recover some of your losses. Your two options for recovery are your business interruption insurance and legal recourse against those who caused the event. What is business interruption insurance? Your business interruption insurance is… Read More
Reform Legislation to Expand Statutes of Limitation for Reporting Sex Crimes
According to this New York Times article, “I Want to Be Heard: Adult Victims Demand New Rights,” many states have expanded their statute of limitation for both adult and child sex crimes. States like Montana have opened one year windows for suits against institutions who harbored sex abusers and New York is considering legislation for… Read More