UPDATE (6/16/24): The Louisiana Supreme Court and the state legislature have reopened the courthouse doors through June 2027 for adult Louisianans subjected to childhood sexual assault. During that “lookback window,” survivors may bring claims and seek justice from their abusers.
The Guardian’s journalist Jason Berry recently published, “‘The devil was in that building’: New Orleans church orphanages’ dark secrets.” This article tells some of the stories of the survivors of the Archdiocese of New Orleans’ run children’s homes as they “recall litany of sexual abuse as bankruptcy process keeps documents hidden.” Hope Haven and Madonna Manor were “two of the most infamous institutions linked to the Catholic clergy abuse crisis.” Frank Lamothe and the Lamothe Law Firm have represented many survivors of abuse who resided at these homes for dependent children that were operated by the Catholic Church.
As we have mentioned before, Louisiana’s legislature passed Act 322 unanimously in June 2021. This legislation gives adult childhood sexual abuse survivors a three-year window to file civil lawsuits for damages — even if the originally-applicable statutes of limitation had expired. Since the act’s passage, various Catholic entities have challenged the constitutionality of these laws’ “lookback window” provisions, which allows claimants to sue regardless of when their experiences occurred.
Even if you missed the Archdiocese of New Orleans bankruptcy deadline for claims, you may still be able to file a late claim. Contact Lamothe Law Firm immediately if you have a sexual abuse claim against the New Orleans Archdiocese, even if the abuse happened decades ago.
The deadline for the end of the three year “Lookback Window” for adults filing childhood sex abuse claims in Louisiana is June 14, 2024. Anyone who is considering filing a lawsuit for childhood sexual abuse (not just against clergy) under the “Lookback Window” should contact the Lamothe Law Firm sexual abuse attorneys now, so that we can begin to process your claim.