An independent two year study by USA Child details major inconsistences and gaps in standards for the development and implementation of safeguards against abuse in the Catholic Church. Instead of implementing an overall prevention and investigation plan, the Catholic Church has left the details up to the individual U.S. Archdioceses. Very few Archdioceses have an independent party investigating sexual abuse allegation, but rather a senior Church official performs the investigation. Background screening for clergy and other Church employees was found to be inadequate in most Archdioceses. The systems in place for monitoring priests and for the protection of whistleblowers was also found to be inadequate.
If you or someone you know endured sexual assault or abuse at the hands of a clergy member at any time, please contact us today so we can help you file your claim. Clergy sexual abuse survivors in the New Orleans Archdiocese must file their claim by March 1, 2021 or risk losing their right to compensation.